Please be sure that all of the following information is included in your portfolio submission:
- Completed Profile Form
- Signed Teacher/Guidance Counselor Letter»
- All required assignments, plus optional Creative Work
- Number the pages in each assignment.
- DO NOT place your name anywhere but on your Profile Form.
- All of your assignments should be clean, clear copies with no grades assigned or teacher’s comments included.
- All of your assignments together should be no more than 12 pages, including references/Works Cited pages. It can be less than 12 pages but please do not go over the allowed page length.
Send Your Portfolio
Email your entire Writing Placement Portfolio with Profile Form and Teacher/Guidance Counselor Letter to
- All of the assignments to be included in your portfolio should be saved in these acceptable file formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf. rtf.
- If any of your assignments are multi-media, please attach them to the email as well, or include the URL if the assignment is posted online. Please note that the largest file size we can accept through email is 10MB. Should you wish to send a file that cannot be attached through email due to size, you can save it to a disc and mail it to our PO Box.
- If you would like to mail your entire Writing Placement Portfolio, please place it in a 9×12 envelope and mail to
Department of English & Foreign Languages
Writing Placement Portfolio Program
Centenary University
400 Jefferson St., Box 1063
Hackettstown, NJ 07840
Academic Integrity
As an admitted student to Centenary University, you are held to the Academic Code of Conduct as administered by the university:
“As an academic community, Centenary University endorses the pursuit of knowledge through open and honest discourse. Therefore, the University expects students to conduct themselves honestly in all academic activities. Any action which compromises this integrity or otherwise attempts to discredit the knowledge a student has acquired is inappropriate and unacceptable. Through continued participation in the academic code of conduct, students demonstrate respect for Centenary’s commitment to academic excellence.”
The writing that you submit with your Writing Placement Portfolio must be your own. All sources and ideas not your own must be properly cited in MLA format. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense. Your portfolio will be reviewed for plagiarism. Any portfolio that has been submitted without the citing of non-original work will automatically be denied review by the Portfolio Committee.