Theatre Education

Think about a person who inspired you! It usually begins with a teacher, perhaps in elementary school or junior high or even high school.  To inspire, to encourage and to awaken in a student a desire for the performing arts is a noble goal and an enlightened profession. Now, Centenary University along with the Theatre and Education programs are uniting to offer this opportunity for the motivated aspiring theatre educator.

Drama teachers assist students in exploring their creativity and building interpersonal skills through classroom activities and theatre productions. They utilize instructional methods to create lesson plans, exercises and other activities to help students master costume and set design, acting and directing. Drama teachers are employed in a wide range of educational settings from elementary, middle and high schools to colleges and universities.

Teacher shortages, especially in certain certification areas are at an all-time high.  NJDOE data suggests that in certain certification areas 100’s of positions will go unfilled in the 2021-22 school year, with additional stress anticipated. Teacher vacancies, especially in certain certification areas are increasing each year.  This is especially true in the urban and underserved portions of the state.  This program, which provides dual certification opportunities, makes Centenary graduates highly marketable state-wide.  This new degree is designed to meet the projected demand for educators through 2026 and beyond as the number of completions from New Jersey’s 46 institutions offering education programs in 2017 fell far below the openings for that year, effectively creating a teacher shortage.

This partnership with the Education Program will create unique opportunities for those aspiring educators.

University Catalog

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Theatre Education

Financial Aid

Being able to pay for attending college is no easy task. Located in the Seay Building, the Office of Financial Aid offers assistance to you and your parents to ensure that you have the financial resources to focus on your education.

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