Click here to access the Special Events Request Form.

  1. For every special event, a “facilities event request form” must be filled out to get facilities support services for your special event. Forms should be submitted at least 10 working days prior to the event. Attached is the request form but they can also be obtained through the office of Special Events, Extension 2310.
  2. A spreadsheet will be generated by the Director of Facilities and Special Events Coordinator based on information provided by the requestor with regard to hard costs for Centenary. Every effort will be made to keep costs to a minimum.
  3. The calculated spreadsheet will then go to the Associate Vice President of Operations for review and approval.
  4. Approved request forms will then be sent to the Vice President (who is responsible for the budget) of that department for authorization.
  5. Upon receipt of an authorization, the office of Special Events will process the request and the event will be considered valid. Reservations will now be made in the special events calendar and all requested details will then be carried out. Please note, events will not be considered valid unless this step is completed.

The following is an exception to these rules:

  • Events requiring a social affair permit (alcohol license), or a public special event permit from the town require a minimum of 60 days lead time to accommodate town council meetings and/or alcohol beverage control approval.
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