
Service-Learning at Centenary University creates a climate for experiential learning by facilitating service opportunities in the classroom to reinforce academic learning outcomes and promote a culture of service and engagement.

What is Service-Learning?

While service-learning and other forms of community engagement are important to the culture of our campus, service-learning stands out in one important way: the service is directly related to course content. This will help students make real life connections between their classroom work and the needs of the community, turning academic work into a meaningful way to contribute to the broader society.

Service-Learning Courses for Fall 2022

Please consult with your advisor when signing up for a Service-Learning Course.

Course Description
HON 1099: How do you Know (HRS, Honors) Battistini
Campus intervention and activism project related to course work and chosen by students
PSY-1105: Who am I? (PSY/BEI) Floether
 Non-Profit volunteering of student’s choice
BUS 1105: Saving the World, One Non-Profit at a Time (BUS/BEI) Lewthwaite
SWOT analysis of a local non-profit
SWS 1000 Section A: Intro to Social Work (SWS/Social Work) Veerman
Non-Profit volunteering of student’s choice
WRI 2012: Advanced Composition (CWD/Writing) Barnett
Centenary students of Advanced Composition will partner with Abilities of Northwest NJ to create educational videos for their Music and Arts program on a range of writing-related topics.
BUS 2060: Enactus (BUS/Business) Poisseroux
Enactus is a social entrepreneurship class in which students practice business skills through working on community based entrepreneurial projects
EST 4117: Therapeutic Riding Instructor Practicum 1 (EST/Equine) Brittle
Therapeutic riding instructing with the TRAC program
EST 4118: Therapeutic Riding Instructor Practicum 2 (EST/Equine) Brittle
Therapeutic riding instructing with the TRAC program
EDU 3053/Foundations of Literacy (EDU & MTH/El Ed) McCoy
Virtual community story time
THA-1105: Expressing Humanity (THA/BEI) Davis
Multiple projects chosen by students and completed in small groups

Faculty Resources

Service-Learning Outcomes and Guidelines

Service-Learning Application

Faculty SharePoint Resource Page

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